Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, No.2, 2023

Full issue (PDF)


A. S. Kuznetsov Spectral Characteristics of Wind Variability in the Coastal Zone of the South Coast of Crimea 1997–2006 (pp. 6-20) PDF
N. N. Dyakov, Yu. A. Malchenko, A. E. Lipchenko Hydrological and Hydrochemical Regime of Hypersaline Koyashskoye Lake (Kerch Peninsula) (pp. 21-48) PDF
P. D. Lomakin, Yu. N. Ryabtsev Study of Wastewater Distribution near the Heraclean Peninsula (Crimea) in the Upwelling Situation Based on Expedition Data and Numerical Modelling (pp. 49-60) PDF
V. S. Kochergin, S. V. Kochergin Variational Identification of the Initial Field of Chlorophyll A Concentration in the Transport Model according to Remote Sensing Data (pp. 61-70) PDF
Yu. S. Gurova, E. V. Yakushev, A. V. Berezina, M. O. Novikov, K. I. Gurov, N. A. Orekhova Numerical Modelling of RedOx Condition Dynamics at the Water-Sediment Interface in Sevastopol Bay (pp. 71-90) PDF
K. A. Slepchuk, T. V. Khmara Winter Peak of Phytoplankton Bloom in Sevastopol Bay according to Numerical Modeling (pp. 91-104) PDF
M. V. Bufetova, V. N. Egorov Lead contamination of water and sediments of the Taganrog Bay and the open part of the Sea of Azov in 1991–2020 (pp. 105-119) PDF
O. V. Soloveva, E. A. Tikhonova The First Data on the Hydrocarbon Composition of Water, Bottom Sediments of the North Crimean Canal and Soils Adjacent to Agricultural Land (pp. 120-133) PDF
A. N. Serebryany, D. M. Denisov, E. E. Khimchenko Autonomous Internal Wave Measurer based on Temperature Transmitters for Shelf Studies (pp. 134-144) PDF