Municipal Sewerage Outfalls in the Sevastopol Bay using Computational Modelling and Geoinformation Analysis

Yu. N. Ryabtsev1, L. V. Verzhevskaia1, T. V. Rauen2, M. V. Tsyganova1*, V. V. Nikishin1,3, A. V. Bagaev1

1 Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

2 A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

3 Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, Russia

* e-mail:


Numerous studies have shown that the current hydrochemical and hydrobiological state of the Sevastopol Bay has a negative impact on its biodiversity and recreational potential of the region. An increase in population and tourist flow, as well as plans for intense development of the coastal zone resources actualize the task of assessing the impact of the existing and planned configuration of the municipal sewage facilities on the most visited seashore areas and mariculture development. We propose a numerical method for calculating the function of influence of municipal sewage on the quality of the Sevastopol Bay water. Calculations were performed for the city beaches, esplanade of Primorsky Boulevard, piers and the mussel farm with various potential options of outfalls arrangement in mind. We have compared the data from available sources as to arrangement and character of the municipal sewerage outfalls. We have analyzed the connectivity between the known outfalls and areas where contaminated suspended matter is undesirable for each map of the influence function field. The analysis showed Ushakova Balka Beach to be the most susceptible to storm water and sewerage discharge. The areas near the berths on the Severnaya Side are strongly influenced by the immediately adjacent outfalls. Concentration of suspended matter released from the stormwater sewerage in the city center has a dramatic impact on the water condition at major places of recreation of city residents.


Black Sea, Sevastopol Bay, pollution, coastal area, municipal wastewater, mathematical modelling, adjoint equations.


Analysis of available data on location of stormwater and municipal wastewater outfalls in the Sevastopol Bay, calculation of the influence function and GIS-analysis are funded by the RFBR and the city of Sevastopol as part of scientific project 20-45-920019; development of the computational model to calculate propagation of imputities was performed under state order on topic no. 0555-2021-0005.

For citation

Ryabtsev, Yu.N., Verzhevskaia, L.V., Rauen, T.V., Tsyganova, M.V., Nikishin, V.V. and Bagaev, A.V., 2021. Search for an Optimal Configuration of Projected Municipal Sewerage Outfalls in the Sevastopol Bay using Computational Modelling and Geoinformation Analysis. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (1), pp. 111–128. doi:10.22449/2413-5577-2021-1-111-128 (in Russian).




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