Method for Comprehensive Assessment of Stability of Coastal Eco-Socio-Economic Systems on the Indicator Approach

G. G. Gogoberidze1*, R. D. Kosyan2, E. A. Rumiantceva1

1 Murmansk Arctic State University, Murmansk, Russia

2 Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, Gelendzhik, Russia



Currently, there is no unified approach to determining the assessment of stability of coastal eco-socio-economic systems as separate objects of study and forecasting their state caused by influence of various factors. The paper proposes a methodology for comprehensive assessment of stability of such systems in tasks of spatial planning and socio-economic development of a maritime complex based on an indicator approach. The main novelty is the use of a combination of analytical, indicator and geoinformation methods based on the analysis of statistical information. The result is a unified and quantitative methodology of multifactor sustainability assessment of coastal eco-socio-economic systems, which gives the opportunity not only to analyze numerical estimates of sustainability, but also to evaluate and analyze trends of the system. It is proposed to use a comprehensive indicator system consisting of five factor subsystems: general economic, socio-demographic, resource-industrial, nature-environmental and political-geographical. Due to the indicator approach and methodology of using statistical parameters, it is possible to obtain quantitative estimates both for individual parameters and factors and their entirety in the form of a comprehensive integral indicator of stability of the coastal eco-socio-economic system. This method can be used at regional and district spatial levels, which will allow for a factor-by-factor analysis of stability of a coastal eco-socio-economic system, spatial analysis of various coastal systems of the same spatial level (region, district, local municipality, etc.), as well as temporal analysis with identification of trends in variability. Implementation of the method in a form of GIS “Coastal eco-socio-economic system” will allow for spatial planning and forecast for sustainable development, taking into account medium- and long-term environmental and socio-economic changes and increase the efficiency of a decision-making process in development of coastal eco-socio-economic systems.


coastal eco-socio-economic system, sustainability, indicator approach, geoinformation method


The study is funded by the RFBR and Krasnodar Krai Administration, Project no. 19-45-230001. Collection of materials for the paper is supported by the RFBR, Projects no. 20-05-00009 and 20-05-00312, and by the RSF, Project no. 20-17-00060.

For citation

Gogoberidze, G.G., Kosyan, R.D. and Rumiantceva, E.A., 2020. Method for Comprehensive Assessment of the Stability of Coastal Eco-Socio-Economic Systems on the Indicator Approach. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (3), pp. 122–141. doi:10.22449/2413-5577-2020-3-122-141 (in Russian).




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