Landslides of the Sevastopol Region. Part 2. Herakleian Peninsula

Yu. N. Goryachkin1, A. P. Fedorov2

1 Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

2 SUE RC Krymgeologiya, Simferopol, Russia


Geomorphological and hydrological conditions of the southern coast of the Herakleian Peninsula (Sevastopol region) are considered in connection with landslide hazard. Their modern dynamics is given according to the long-term observations. It is shown that the current activation of landslide and downfall is associated with the appearing cavities, which sharply weaken the stability of the slopes and create a real danger of landslides and block landslides. New cavities appear because of abrasion niches and karstic cavities at the base of the cliff and water saturation of the slopes due to intensive development of the plateau under gardens and villages. It is concluded that almost all of the coast between cape Khersones and the Mramornaya clough is dangerous because of the threats of landslides, downfalls and rockslides.


landslides, dynamics, geomorphological and hydrogeological conditions, Sevastopol region, Herakleian peninsula, Crimea



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