V. V. Dolotov, V. F. Udovik
Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia
The paper describes a methodology for conducting monitoring studies of lithodynamic processes in the coastal zone using innovative technologies. The advantages and peculiarities of instrumental measurements of the morphometric characteristics of the above-water part of the coastal zone with the use of a set of satellite geodetic equipment in various modes are analyzed. Briefly described is the developed methodology for the combined measurement of planned elevation marks on a profile when conducting field work under unfavorable conditions for the operation of GNSS receivers. A test example of constructing a digital 3D model of the relief of a coastal zone of the Western Crimea using aerial photogrammetry methods is considered. The method used to create a topographic basis and obtaining a series of aerial photographs using an unmanned aerial vehicle is described.
coastal zone, monitoring, innovative technologies, digital 3D model, GNSS receiver, aerial photogrammetry, the Western Crimea