Software PhotoCoasts of Crimea

M. P. Vetsalo*, E. A. Godin, E. A. Isaeva, L. K. Galkovskaya

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

* e-mail:


The article describes the information retrieval system PhotoCoasts of Crimea developed by the staff of the Oceanographic Data Bank group based on the concept of the software PhotoCoasts to systematize and catalogue the collection of digital images of the Crimean Peninsula coasts. The system also ensures effective work with this collection while conducting scientific research. The software system is written in the Python programming language. The application interface is developed using the tkinter package. The system core is a catalogue of meta-information on photosurvey objects. The catalogue is based on faceted classification and includes descriptive facets “Date and Time”, “Type of Photosurvey” and specialised facets “Geographic Region”, “Coast Genetic Type”. The method of extended Boolean retrieval was applied to form the query results in the software system. New images are uploaded and metadata of existing catalogue elements are edited in the metadata editor. Work with the geoinformation part of the metadata base is performed in the geodata editor. The developed software has a significant potential for further evolution and after appropriate adjustment can be used for work with coast images of other regions. It also allows systematisation and classification of image collections in various fields.


coasts, images, visualisation, systematisation, cataloguing, faceted classification, information retrieval system


The work was performed under state assignment of MHI RAS no. 0827-2020-0004 “Coastal studies”. The authors are grateful to DrSci (Geogr.) Yu. N. Goryachkin, who initiated the development of the software, as well as to PhD (Chem.) V. V. Dolotov and PhD (Phys.-Math.) A. V. Bagaev for fruitful discussion of the results.

For citation

Vetsalo, M.P., Godin, E.A., Isaeva, E.A. and Galkovskaya, L.K., 2024. Software PhotoCoasts of Crimea. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (4), pp. 131–140.


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