Application of the Raspberry Pi for In Situ Measurement Automation and Data Transfer and Storage

A. F. Rozvadovskiy

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia



The paper considers issues of organization of remote workplaces for automation of in situ measurements of the marine environment. The workplace allows collection of data from a sensor system that measures characteristics of the marine environment in natural conditions; to transfer data to a remote data center via the Internet; to store and backup data. The paper presents algorithms for workplace organization based on modern technologies for data collection and transmission. The implementation of the workplace is detailed on the example of remote control of the weather station Davis Vantage Pro 2. This weather station was installed on the stationary oceanographic platform in Katsiveli to continuously measure parameters of the atmospheric surface layer. The remote control was organized on the basis of the hardware and software platform of a single-board personal computer Raspberry Pi. Two-year tests of the system allow concluding about its reliability and high efficiency. The proposed principles and algorithms can be applied to organization of remote workplaces for performing oceanological measurements in coastal areas with Internet access.


automation, in situ measurements, marine environment, remote workplace, hardware and software platform, Raspberry Pi, weather station, Davis Vantage Pro 2, cloud storage, oceanographic platform, Katsiveli


The work was carried out under state assignment of MHI RAS FNNN-2024-0001 “Fundamental research of the processes determining the flows of matter and energy in the marine environment and at its borders, the state and evolution of the physical and biogeochemical structure of marine systems in modern conditions”.

For citation

Rozvadovskiy, A.F., 2024. Application of the Raspberry Pi for In Situ Measurement Automation and Data Transfer and Storage. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (4), pp. 117–130.


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