Yu. V. Artamonov, E. A. Skripaleva*, A. V. Fedirko
Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia
* e-mail: sea-ant@yandex.ru
The paper studies the variability of the temperature field at the sea surface on different time scales using hydrological measurements made off the coast of Crimea during 2022–2023 cruises of R/V Professor Vodyanitsky and Copernicus satellite data. It is shown that the intra-annual temperature amplitude according to in situ measurements in 2022 was 18.2 °C, whereas in 2023, it was 16.6 °C. The maximum ranges of spatial temperature changes at the polygon (up to 4–5 °C) were observed during periods of intense heating and cooling of surface waters in April–May and December 2022 and October 2023. On the synoptic scale, the periods of temperature increases (decreases) corresponded to those of local wind decreases (increases) with a delay in the temperature response to changes in the wind speed by 10–12 hours. Satellite data showed differences in the temperature intra-annual cycle and the level of its synoptic variability in 2022 and 2023 from climate norms. In 2022, the minimum and maximum temperatures in the intra-annual cycle were observed two weeks later than according to climate data. In 2023, the time of occurrence of the minimum corresponded to the climate one, and the maximum was observed two weeks earlier than it had been expected from the climate data. The main maximum in the level of synoptic temperature variability was observed in November 2022 and in December 2023, but not in May as it had been expected from the climate data. It is shown that from 2022 to 2023, predominantly positive average monthly temperature anomalies against the climate norms were observed. This reflects the upward tendency in temperature over the past two years.
Black Sea, sea surface temperature, satellite measurements, in situ measurements, spatiotemporal variability
The work was carried out under FSBSI FRC MHI state assignment FNNN-2024-0014. The data were obtained at the Center for Collective Use R/V Professor Vodyanitsky of FSBSI FRC A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS.
For citation
Artamonov, Yu.V., Skripaleva, E.A. and Fedirko, A.V., 2024. Sea Surface Temperature Variability off the Crimea Coast in 2022–2023 According to in situ and Satellite Measurements. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (4), pp. 6–26.
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