Biogenic Elements in the Waters of the Eastern Gulf of Finland According to the Results of Studies 2020–2022

M. A. Siniakova1, 2, *, J. V. Krylova3, L. V. Bronnikova2

1 Saint Petersburg Branch of VNIRO (GosNIORKH named after L.S. Berg), Saint Petersburg, Russia

2 Saint-Petersburg State Marine Technical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

3 Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences, Bоrоk, Russia

* e-mail:


The paper studies the dynamics of biogenic elements (mineral (phosphate) and total phosphorus and ammonium) content based on the results of annual monitoring surveys of water in the eastern Gulf of Finland conducted in 2020–2022. Information on the horizontal and vertical distribution of the indicators was analysed, so samples were taken in the surface, bottom and middle (at deep-water stations) layers of water. The content of elements was determined by the spectrophotometric method. The results are compared and analysed by median values. During the study period, phosphate phosphorus concentrations in the absolute majority of cases did not exceed the maximum permissible concentration (0.15 mg/dm3), total phosphorus concentrations on average corresponded to the mesotrophic status, although there were cases of its concentration increase to values characteristic of the eutrophic status of a water body. Namely, in 2020, the concentrations amounted up to 0.091 mg P/dm3 in the bottom and surface water layers in June (mainly at the coastal stations) and in September (mainly in the bottom layer at the central offshore stations). In summer 2021, the concentrations reached 0.147 mg P/dm3 (surface layer) and 0.171 mg P/dm3 (bottom layer) at the coastal stations and 0.163 mg P/dm3 at the central station. Ammonia nitrogen concentrations were mainly within the MPC (0.5 mg/dm3). In June 2021, local areas along the southern and northern shores of the Gulf of Finland with relatively high levels of ammonia nitrogen (up to 0.285 mg/dm3) in surface and bottom water layers were identified. In general, despite the high anthropogenic load, concentrations of mineral phosphorus and ammonium in the waters of the Gulf of Finland were within the MPC, with exceedances recorded rarely, usually in Neva Bay, Koporye Bay and near the coast of the Kurortny district. Elevated concentrations of total phosphorus at the central stations can apparently be explained by transport of the substance from the western part of the Gulf and diffusion from bottom sediments. On average, higher concentrations of total phosphorus were found in bottom water layers than in surface water layers. In general, concentrations of biogenic elements correspond to the mesotrophic status of the water body.


mineral phosphorus, total phosphorus, ammonium ions, Gulf of Finland, biogenic elements, trophic state


The work was carried out under state assignment of VNIRO no. 076-00005-20-02.

For citation

Siniakova, M.A., Krylova, J.V. and Bronnikova, L.V., 2024. Biogenic Elements in the Waters of the Eastern Gulf of Finland According to the Results of Studies 2020–2022. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (2), pp. 91–106.


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