Anthropogenic Impact on the Coastal Zone of Koktebel Bay (Black Sea) over the Last 100 Years

Yu. N. Goryachkin

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia



In view of the problem of unsustainable nature management, the paper considers coastal dynamics of a popular Crimean resort. The work aims to provide a post-assessment of changes in the Koktebel Bay coastal zone under the anthropogenic influence. The paper uses materials of surveys, literary and archival sources, data on the digitization of coastlines in space images for 2011–2021. Physical, geographical and lithodynamic characteristics of the bay were given. Anthropogenic impact on the coastal zone and coastline response thereto were considered. It is shown that for the last 100 years, anthropogenic impact on Koktebel Bay has led to a reduction in the width or to disappearance of beaches, changes in their material composition, replacement of the natural landscape by the anthropogenic one and, therefore, its aesthetic attraction has decreased. Three periods were identified in the evolution of the coastal zone. The first one is characterized by a gradual increase in anthropogenic impact on the landscapes of the land and coastal zone. In the second period, the established dynamic balance was disturbed and the balance of sediments became negative. This was due to the regulation of the streamflows and the industrial development of sand, gravel and pebbles in the coastal zone. This led to a sharp decrease in the area of the beaches, up to their complete disappearance in certain areas. The third period is characterized by a dramatic increase in anthropogenic impact, which manifested itself in the active (often illegal) construction of various structures on the beaches and by erection of hydraulic structures in order to protect and restore the beaches. It was shown that to date, man-made coasts occupy about 3 km and here natural processes have transformed into natural-anthropogenic. Natural coastal landscapes have preserved only in the eastern (about 2 km long) and western (about 1.5 km long) parts of the bay with its total length of 7 km. The paper provides information on coastal protection projects: both those fulfilled earlier and those being currently implemented.


Black Sea, Crimea, Koktebel Bay, anthropogenic impact, coastline, space images, coastal protection


The work was carried out under state assignment no. FNNN-2024-0016.

For citation

Goryachkin, Yu.N., 2024. Anthropogenic impact on the coastal zone of Koktebel Bay (Black Sea) over the last 100 years. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (2), pp. 6–22.


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