Peculiarities of Interseasonal Variability of Alongshore Wind Circulation and Coastal Currents off the Southern Coast of Crimea

A. S. Kuznetsov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia



The paper analyses decade-average (2013–2022) statistical and spectral characteristics of mesoscale and synoptic variability of the wind field for the atmosphere surface layer and the surface current to reveal regularities and peculiarities of the wind variability and quasi-stationary alongshore current near Cape Kikineiz of the Southern Coast of Crimea. Complex instrumental monitoring was carried out under open sea conditions using clusters of hydrometeorological and oceanological meters at the stationary oceanographic platform of the Black Sea hydrophysical sub-satellite testing area of Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS. The author used a dataset of chronological sequences of mean-hourly vector-averaged data for May–October and November–April half-year periods to quantify the values and identify trends in the interseasonal variability of wind and current field characteristics. During the selected time periods, clear seasonal differences in the thermal structure and dynamics of both the surface wind field and coastal waters were observed near the coast. Based on instrumental monitoring materials, peculiarities of coastal water circulation under seasonal variability of local wind conditions were studied. The spectral analysis results estimate the energy contribution of breeze wind circulation to the seasonal intensification of the mesoscale variability of the alongshore current. During the entire annual cycle, multiscale alongshore reciprocating wind fluctuations, parallel to the Main Ridge of the Crimean Mountains, apart from the background large-scale wind field, were detected at the seacoast. Such wind fluctuations influence the variability of the coastal-waters alongshore circulation, which allows studying the conditions and peculiarities of the bimodal distribution formation of the direction recurrence of the quasi-stationary alongshore current near Cape Kikineiz.


Black Sea, Southern Coast of Crimea, coastal zone, instrumental monitoring, local wind field, alongshore current, energy spectrum


The work was performed under state assignment of Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS on topic FNNN-2021-0005 “Complex interdisciplinary research of oceanologic processes, which determine functioning and evolution of the Black and Azov Sea coastal ecosystems”.

For citation

Kuznetsov, A.S., 2024. Peculiarities of Interseasonal Variability of Alongshore Wind Circulation and Coastal Currents off the Southern Coast of Crimea. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (1), pp. 31–44.


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