Material Accumulation in the Modern Accumulative Body of the Anapa Barrier Beach (Caucasian Coast of the Black Sea): Paleolithodynamic Prerequisites

V. V. Krylenko*, M. V. Krylenko, D. V. Krylenko

Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, Moscow, Russia

* e-mail:


The Anapa Barrier Beach is a large Holocene coastal accumulative form formed by sediments of terrigenous and marine origin in the north-western Caucasian coast of the Black Sea. In recent decades, the barrier beach shoreline has been retreating. The main reason for the retreat is the natural processes that caused the shortage and redistribution of sediments in the lithodynamic system of the barrier beach. With the sea level rising, the coast retreat may accelerate, and in the future, it may lead to degradation of the entire geosystem of the Anapa Barrier Beach. The paper aims to analyze and generalize information about the origin of the sediment material composing the accumulative body and the mechanisms of its redistribution in time and space, which is necessary for assessing the stability of the modern accumulative body. Based on a comprehensive analysis, which includes a number of paleogeographic, geomorphological, cartographic, granulometric, and mineralogical studies, several options for accumulating a large supply of sand were considered. It is shown that the development of the accumulative body of the Anapa Barrier Beach was determined by changes in the shore configuration, fluctuations in the sea level, as well as the direction and length of alongshore sediment flows. The Phanagorian regression interrupted the previous course of development of the accumulative geosystem of the Anapa Barrier Beach. The geosystem acquired its modern form during the Nymphean transgression. The accumulative body of the modern barrier beach was formed from the abrasion material of the indigenous shores of the Taman Peninsula and alluvium of the Kuban River. The alluvium came directly to the seashore during the Phanagorian regression.


Black Sea, Caucasian coast, Anapa Barrier Beach, lithodynamic processes, sea-level fluctuations, accumulation, sediment flow, shoreline


The work was carried out under state assignment on topic FMWE-2021-0013.

For citation

Krylenko, V.V., Krylenko, M.V. and Krylenko, D.V., 2023. Material Accumulation in the Modern Accumulative Body of the Anapa Barrier Beach (Caucasian Coast of the Black Sea): Paleolithodynamic Prerequisites. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (4), pp. 19–33.


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