Assessment of the Black Sea Steric Level Variability: New Approaches and Prospects for the Use of Satellite Information

V. P. Novitskaya*, E. М. Lemeshko, V. N. Belokopytov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

* e-mail:


Based on satellite altimetry and gravimetric data, the time series of steric level oscillations averaged over the Black Sea for 2002–2016 is reconstructed. The steric sea level oscillations were calculated as the difference between the total sea level measured by altimeters and the manometric (barystatic) component determined from gravimetric measurements GRACE. A good agreement was obtained between the steric component of the sea level and the estimates obtained from archival hydrological data and Argo floats. The maxima of the range of the seasonal variation of the steric component of the level are noted in the areas with maximum seasonal vertical displacements of the main pycnocline. Estimates of the steric level seasonal cycle were obtained, the range of oscillations was up to 12 cm. The minimum is reached in the winter period (March), and the maximum – in the summer period (August). It is noted that the seasonal cycle of the manometric component of the sea level is in good agreement with the seasonal cycle of the freshwater balance of the Black Sea constructed according to climatic hydrometeorological data. The estimate of the linear trend of the reconstructed steric oscillations is –0.6 ± 0.2 cm/year. This indicates that, despite the positive trend in water temperature in the main pycnocline and desalination of the surface layer, the contribution of the modern increase in salinity in all layers of the sea to the changes in water density in the Black Sea generally predominates.


Black Sea, steric level, manometric level, water balance, altimetry, gravimetry, GRACE, climate


The work was performed under state assignment of MHI RAS on topics no. FNNN-2021-0005, FNNN-2021-0002. The authors gratefully acknowledge the GSFC for providing the GRACE RL06 mascon data and Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service for altimetry data.

For citation

Novitskaya, V.P., Lemeshko, E.M. and Belokopytov, V.N., 2023. Assessment of the Black Sea Steric Level Variability: New Approaches and Prospects for the Use of Satellite Information. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (3), pp. 6–21.


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