Study of Wastewater Distribution near the Heraclean Peninsula (Crimea) in the Upwelling Situation Based on Expedition Data and Numerical Modelling

P. D. Lomakin*, Yu. N. Ryabtsev

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

* e-mail:


Based on the oceanographic survey data taken by Marine Hydrophysical Institute in August 2019, the paper analyzes the structural features of the fields of temperature, salinity, concentration of total suspended organic matter and coloured dissolved organic matter in the area along the southwestern coast of the Heraclean Peninsula in the situation of wind upwelling. The structure of the fields of the studied quantities shows signs of ascending circulation and pollution due to offshore wind and the presence of two wastewater sources in the studied area. The numerical experiments performed using the 3D barotropic linear Felsenbaum model confirmed the observed upwelling and showed that the rise of anthropogenic waters from sewer sources to the sea surface was due to both alongshore and offshore winds oriented normally to the coastline. They also made it possible to trace the distribution of anthropogenic suspension in the upwelling situation. It is shown that suspension from sewer sources in the upper layer of water spread to the open sea, and in the intermediate and near-bottom layers it accumulated along the coastline. With a northerly wind, the effect of suspended matter accumulation in the coastal zone is more intense.


water structure, upwelling, pollution, numerical modelling, Heraclean Peninsula, Crimea


The work was performed under state assignment on topic no. FNNN-2021-0005 “Complex interdisciplinary research of oceanologic processes, which determine functioning and evolution of the Black and Azov Sea coastal ecosystems”.

For citation

Lomakin, P.D. and Ryabtsev, Yu.N., 2023. Study of Wastewater Distribution near the Heraclean Peninsula (Crimea) in the Upwelling Situation Based on Expedition Data and Numerical Modelling. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (2), pp. 49–60. doi:10.29039/2413-5577-2023-2-49-60




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