Current System in Kruglaya Bay (Crimea) Based on Numerical Simulation and Observation Data

P. D. Lomakin*, Yu. N. Ryabtsev

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

* e-mail:


On the basis of numerical modeling using the 3D barotropic linear Felsenbaum model, regularities of the structure of currents local system in Kruglaya Bay depending on the wind was revealed. It is established that, regardless of the wind flow direction, a number of general properties are inherent in the system of wind currents, and for each specific wind situation it has its own characteristics. It is shown that in the deep-water part of the investigated bay, the system of currents is two-layer, and in the shallow apex area, it is one-layer. Regardless of the wind situation, a topographic eddy cell is observed in the center of the bay in the area of extensive bottom uplift. The northern quarter winds cause a surge effect, developed circulation and ensure good water exchange with the open sea. The southern quarter winds are responsible for a weakly pronounced surge effect. Zonal winds generate weak zonal currents that impede water exchange between the bay and the sea. The simulation result is compared with the instrumental observations data of currents in Kruglaya Bay in northern quarter wind conditions. A good similarity is shown between the calculated system of currents and the flow scheme obtained from observational data.


wind, currents, modeling, surge phenomena, Kruglaya Bay, Crimea


The research is performed under state task on topic no. 0555-2021-0005 “Complex interdisciplinary research of oceanologic processes, which determine functioning and evolution of the Black and Azov Sea coastal ecosystems”.

For citation

Lomakin, P.D. and Ryabtsev, Yu.N., 2022. Current System in Kruglaya Bay (Crimea) Based on Numerical Simulation and Observation Data. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (4), pp. 79–89. doi:10.22449/2413-5577-2022-4-79-89




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