Hydrological Water Structure and Distribution of Total Suspended Matter off the Coast of Crimea in Spring 2021

Yu. V. Artamonov, E. A. Skripaleva*, A. A. Latushkin, A. V. Fedirko, D. A. Ryabokon

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

* e-mail: sea-ant@yandex.ru


The paper analyzes features of the hydrological structure of waters and the distribution of total suspended matter off the coast of Crimea within the economic zone of Russia between the Heraclea Peninsula and Cape Opuk in April-May 2021 according to field measurements carried out during the 116th cruise of the R/V Professor Vodyanitsky. It is shown that the Rim Current formed anticyclonic eddies to the south of the Heraclea and Kerch Peninsulas, to the east and south of Cape Meganom. Cyclonic eddies and meanders were observed near the southwestern and southeast boundaries of the polygon. A decrease in sea surface temperature east of Cape Meganom and in Feodosiya Bay associated with coastal upwelling was revealed. It is shown that intense freshening of surface waters was observed in the coastal northeastern part of the polygon. The mixing of the Azov Sea waters propagating from the Kerch Strait and the waters of Feodosiya Bay led to the formation of a tongue of freshened waters spreading to the south of the Kerch Peninsula. It is shown that water freshening in the northeast part of the polygon was not accompanied by an increase in the total suspended matter concentration, and its minimum was revealed in Feodosiya Bay. The transport of these transparent waters along the periphery of the anticyclonic eddy led to the formation of a tongue of waters of increased transparency south of the Kerch Peninsula, which coincides in position with the tongues of waters of low temperature and salinity. Waters of maximum turbidity were traced on the shelf between Cape Ayu-Dag and Cape Sarych and to the west of the Heraclea Peninsula. It is shown that the highest content of suspended matter was observed either within the upper quasi-homogeneous layer or in the layer of the lower seasonal thermocline and pycnocline. The turbidity deeper than the seasonal thermocline, halocline and pycnocline, was lower than that in the surface layer. A low level of consistency was revealed between the horizontal fields of the total suspended matter concentration and thermohaline parameters in the upper 30–40-meter layer. Deeper, the consistency level increased to a significant level, and colder, saltier, and denser waters were characterized by increased transparency.


Black Sea, water circulation, Rim Current, temperature, salinity, density, upper quasi-homogeneous layer, cold intermediate layer, thermocline, pycnocline, halocline, total suspended matter


The work was carried out under FSBSI FRC MHI State Order no. 0555-2021-0003 “Development of operational oceanology methods based on interdisciplinary research of processes of the marine environment formation and evolution and on mathematical modeling using data of remote and contact measurements” (“Operational oceanology” code) and no. 0555-2021-0004 “Fundamental studies of oceanological processes which determine the state and evolution of the marine environment influenced by natural and anthropogenic factors, based on observation and modeling methods” (“Oceanological processes” code). The authors are grateful to members of the hydrology and currents detachment S.A. Shutov, D.V. Deryushkin and R.O. Shapovalov for carrying out hydrological measurements during cruise 116 of the R/V Professor Vodyanitsky.

For citation

Artamonov, Yu.V., Skripaleva, E.A., Latushkin, A.A., Fedirko, A.V. and Ryabokon, D.A., 2022. Hydrological Water Structure and Distribution of Total Suspended Matter off the Coast of Crimea in Spring 2021. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (4), pp. 6–24. doi:10.22449/2413-5577-2022-4-6-24




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