The Use of Natural Stone in Marine Hydraulic Engineering Construction

G. V. Tlyavlina, E. A. Vyalyi*

Research center “Sea Coasts” (branch of JSC TsNIITS), Sochi, Russia

* e-mail:


The paper substantiates the feasibility of using natural stone in offshore hydraulic engineering for the purposes of coast protection and construction of protective structures. A review of the Russian and world practice of using natural stone in the construction of offshore structures was made. Russian and foreign scientific, technical and regulatory framework concerning the use of natural stone in marine hydraulic engineering was analyzed. A feasibility study for the need to develop technical requirements for natural stone was completed. A brief assessment of the social, economic and environmental efficiency of the use of natural stone in offshore hydrotechnical construction was carried out, a methodology and criteria for monitoring the compliance of natural stone with the established requirements were developed. At the same time, the actual results of research and development work in the field of studying the properties of building materials and structures, determining the normalized parameters and improving design solutions that meet the safety requirements of structures were used. The accumulated domestic and foreign experience in the use of building materials and technologies, experience in the design, construction and operation of facilities, changes in the legal framework of the Russian Federation are taken into account. The role of natural stone as a building material for structures in marine areas is defined and its key advantages over other materials are identified: environmental friendliness, versatility and simplicity of construction technologies.


breakwater, coast protection, environmental friendliness, groin, hydraulic engineering, natural stone, protecting structure


The research results were obtained during performance of work under state assignment on topic “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation” and in accordance with the Program for the development of national standards for 2020 (1.13.465-1.284.20).

For citation

Tlyavlina, G.V. and Vyalyi, E.A., 2022. The Use of Natural Stone in Marine Hydraulic Engineering Construction. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (2), pp. 53–69.


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