Variability of Marginal Ice Zone Characteristics and Internal Wave Field near Svalbard according to Sentinel-1 Satellite Data

T. V. Mikhaylichenko*, L. A. Petrenko, I. E. Kozlov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

* e-mail:


The paper presents the results of observations of the ice edge drift and surface manifestations of short-period internal waves according to Sentinel-1 A/B spaceborne synthetic aperture radar data in June – September 2019. We analyzed 1200 spaceborne synthetic aperture radar images used to record the ice edge position and 387 surface manifestations of short-period internal waves. During the study period in 2019, the maximum southern position of the drifting ice edge in Fram Strait at 79° N was recorded on 20 June. The ice edge boundary reached its maximum northern position at 82° N on 16 September. The seasonal decrease in ice area in the study region was more intensive in the south-eastern sector. The largest number of surface manifestations of short-period internal waves was detected in August: 162 packets. The maximum probability of short-period internal waves during the study period was observed in the shelf areas to the northwest and south of Svalbard. Internal waves were observed as packets of 4–5 waves. The maximum lengths of the leading wave front were 30–40 km and were observed to the south of Svalbard. Short-period internal waves with leading wave front lengths of 7–10 km prevailed. The highest probability was noted for waves with a packet width of 3–4 km. The paper presents detailed maps of the internal waves’ probability and the spatial distribution of their main parameters. The paper analyzes the relationship between the variability of internal wave parameters and that of the ice edge. It is shown that density gradients resulting from ice melting at the ice edge affect the generation and propagation of short-period internal waves. The combination of the melting process, tidal currents and influence of the bottom topography leads to the generation of large packets of short-period internal waves.


short-period internal waves, spaceborne radar images, marginal ice zone, Svalbard, Fram Strait


The research of spatial-temporal variability of the internal wave field was performed under state assignment of FSBSI FRC MHI on topic no. FNNN-2021-0010. The analysis of spatial-temporal variability of the marginal ice zone and its relationship with the internal wave field was performed under grant no. 21-17-00278 of the Russian Science Foundation.

For citation

Mikhaylichenko, T.V., Petrenko, L.A. and Kozlov, I.E., 2022. Variability of Marginal Ice Zone Characteristics and Internal Wave Field near Svalbard according to Sentinel-1 Satellite Data. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (2), pp. 38–52.


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