Anthropogenic Impact on the Lithodynamics of the Black Sea Coastal Zone of the Crimean Peninsula

Yu. N. Goryachkin, T. V. Efremova*

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

* e-mail:


The dynamics of the coastal zone of seas and oceans is contingent on a complex interaction of natural processes occurring at the border of land, sea, and atmosphere. This interaction has become even more complicated due to the anthropogenic factor. The purpose of the article is to systematize information about the anthropogenic impact on the lithodynamics of the Crimean coastal zone, classify the types of impacts and map them. The authors used materials of long-term monitoring performed by Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS. It is shown that the greatest influence on the change in lithodynamics is exerted by hydraulic engineering. Specific examples with quantitative characteristics are given. It is found that construction of permanent facilities on the beaches leads at least to their reduction and at most to their complete disappearance, which then results in increase of coast protection costs and reduces recreational properties of the coast. It is noted that the decrease in the solid runoff of rivers due to their regulation have influenced mainly the beaches of the Western Crimea. In the same place, 25 % of the total length of the cliffs is covered with various structures, and this has reduced the flow of sediments due to cliff destruction by 16,000 m3 per year. The paper also discusses problems of degradation and disappearance of dunes, opening of bay-bars, reduction in the number of bottom mollusks, valves of which serve as a source material for the formation of sands, etc. The paper presents coefficients of anthropogenic load on various parts of the coast as well as maps localizing certain types of anthropogenic impact.


Black Sea, coastal zone of Crimea, anthropogenic impact, lithodynamic, coast protection works.


The work was carried out under state assignment no. 0555-2021-0005 of FSBSI FRC MHI RAS. The authors are grateful to V. V. Dolotov for his help with the map design.

For citation

Goryachkin, Yu.N. and Efremova, T.V., 2022. Anthropogenic Impact on the Lithodynamics of the Black Sea Coastal Zone of the Crimean Peninsula. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (1), pp. 6–30. doi:10.22449/2413-5577-2022-1-6-30




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