Natural-climatic and anthropogenic factors determining the self-purification capacity of shallow-water marine ecosystems in relation to reduced nitrogen forms

E. E. Sovga1*, I. V. Mezentseva2, T. V. Khmara1

1 Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

2 Sevastopol Branch of the N. N. Zubov State Oceanographic Institute, Sevastopol, Russia

* e-mail:


The paper considers natural-climatic and anthropogenic factors that determine differences in the self-purification capacity of the Sevastopol Bay ecosystems (its western, central, eastern parts and the Yuzhnaya Bay) in relation to the reduced nitrogen forms (ammonium and nitrites) by calculating the assimilation capacity. The authors took into account the intensity of the input sources of the studied forms of nitrogen, the rate of excretion from the ecosystem, the dynamic situation in the studied water areas and in the entire bay as well as the location of recreational facilities. For the first time, the factors were assessed that provide additional input of reduced forms of nitrogen associated with hypoxia during summer water stratification in local deepened areas in the upper bottom sediment layer, taking into account their particle size distribution. Further, the authors considered accumulation of organic matter and its destruction due to oxidized nitrogen forms and formation of reduced forms thereof. The currents in the central and southern parts of the Sevastopol Bay were calculated using a hydrodynamic model. The calculation results correspond to the current system in the mentioned water areas of the bay according to in situ data at different wind situations in the region. According to the calculations, it is possible that under certain hydrometeorological situations additional amount of ammonium and nitrites would flow from the Yuzhnaya Bay into the central part of the Sevastopol Bay.


Sevastopol Bay, central part, Yuzhnaya Bay, current system, self-purifi- cation ability, ammonium, inorganic nitrogen, bottom sediments


The research is performed under state task on topic № 0827-2020-0004 “Coastal studies”.

For citation

Sovga, E.E., Mezentseva, I.V. and Khmara, T.V., 2021. Natural-climatic and anthropogenic factors determining the self-purification capacity of shallow-water marine ecosystems in relation to reduced nitrogen forms. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (3), pp. 23–36. doi:10.22449/2413-5577-2021-3-23-36 (in Russian).




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