Estimation of the Vertical Turbulent Exchange Intensity in the Main Pycnocline Layer in the Prikerchensky Area of the Black Sea Shelf

D. A. Kazakov*, A. S. Samodurov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

* e-mail:


The paper investigates the seasonal variability of the vertical turbulent exchange coefficient in the upper stratified layer of the Black Sea. The expedition data used in this work containing information on the microstructure of physical fields were obtained in different hydrological seasons covering the northeastern part of the Black Sea in the Prikerchensky area of the shelf slope. The data were collected during cruises of r/v “Professor Vodyanitsky” in 2016–2019 using “Sigma-1” sounding complex. Based on the semi-empirical methods of assessment of vertical turbulent exchange in the deep-water area of the Black Sea, the dependence of the vertical turbulent diffusion coefficient K on the buoyancy frequency N in the studied layer was established from the flow fluctuation characteristics, with the corresponding graphs and their approximating power-law dependences KAN α. plotting. In addition, the vertical distribution of the K coefficient with depth was analyzed. Comparative analysis of the obtained dependences with the results of the 1.5D model was carried out. The analysis of the measurement data showed that the results obtained in this work do not contradict the original model. The results can also be used to assess the vertical fluxes of heat, salt and other dissolved chemical and biological substances depending on stratification in the studied part of the Black Sea for different seasons.


energy dissipation, stratified layers, turbulent exchange, buoyancy frequency, measuring complex, turbulence modelling, Prikerchensky area, internal wave collapse


The work was carried out under the state assignment on topic no. 0827-2019-0003 “Oceanological processes”.

For citation

Kazakov, D.A. and Samodurov, A.S., 2021. Estimation of the Vertical Turbulent Exchange Intensity in the Main Pycnocline Layer in the Prikerchensky Area of the Black Sea Shelf. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (2), pp. 94–105. doi:10.22449/2413-5577-2021-2-94–105 (in Russian).




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