Microplastics in Beach Sediments of the Sea of Azov: Morphological and Morphometric Features

A. E. Glushko*, L. A. Bespalova

Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

* e-mail: arinaglushko01@gmail.com


This paper aims at assessment of microplastics concentrations on the beaches of the Sea of Azov and research of morphological features, size of particles, level and ways of degradation (or destruction) of microplastics. During the study, 126 samples of beach deposits were taken at 14 points of the beaches of the Sea of Azov and Kerch Strait. The samples were processed using the modified method NOAA. The analysis showed pollutant’s presence in 100 % of the samples. The concentration of microplastics particles in sand samples from different areas of the beach varies from 12 to 112 pieces per 1 m2. The highest concentration was found on the beaches in Taganrog and the village of Ilyich. Morphological features of the particles were studied using a stereo microscope (Micromed MC-1 2C Digital). Translucent fibres and membranes prevailed in all the samples. Study of size frequency showed that the most frequently observed are particles of 0.2 mm, the median of size range being 0.5 mm. Types of microplastics degradation were determined using a scanning electron microscope (VEGA II LMU). Dissection, fracturing, and splitting were recorded.


plastic litter, microplastics, beach deposits, morphological features, morphometric features, Sea of Azov.


The authors express their gratitude and appreciation to Yu.V. Popov, head of the Center for Research of Mineral Raw Materials and the State of the Environment (Southern Federal University), for his help in the study of microplastics particles using a scanning electron microscope VEGA II LMU.

The research was performed as part of the RFBR scientific project no. 18-05-80082: "The regularities of the formation of hazardous coastal processes in the Sea of Azov and the socio-economic consequences of their acts".

For citation

Glushko, A.E. and Bespalova, L.A., 2021. Microplastics in Beach Sediments of the Sea of Azov: Morphological and Morphometric Features. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (1), pp. 99–110. doi:10.22449/2413-5577-2021-1-99-110 (in Russian).




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