Similarities and Differences of Small Bay-Bars of the North-Eastern Part of the Black Sea

V. V. Krylenko1*, Yu. N. Goryachkin2, R. D. Kosyan1, M. V. Krylenko1, L. V. Kharitonova2

1 P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, Moscow, Russia

2 Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

* e-mail:


The accumulative coastal forms of the Azov-Black Sea region are a valuable recreational resource experiencing an increasing anthropogenic impact. The paper analizes the current state of two similar natural objects: small bay-bars of the Lake Bogaily (Crimean Peninsula) and the Lake Solenoe (Taman Peninsula). The materials of long-term monitoring observations were used (echo-sounding measurements, geodetic and aerial photography, air laser scanning, particle size analysis of sediments, etc.). The data of satellite imagery, materials of mathematical modeling of hydrological and lithodynamics processes, literary and archival sources were used. Both common and regional features of the development and structure of accumulative forms have been identified. The common features include similar transverse surface profiles (excluding anthropogenic transformation) and a set of natural factors. The most important differences are the genesis and composition of the bedrocks and accumulative deposits. These parameters determine the current sediment budget, configuration of the beach and underwater slope, and the relief dynamics. Displacement of accumulative bodies toward the lagoons is observed, the rate of this displacement depends on retreat of the adjacent bedrock coasts. The morphological and dynamical features of these bay-bars have not changed fundamentally over the past decades. The bay-bar of the Lake Solenoe has undergone a greater technogenic transformation in comparison with the bay-bar of the Lake Bogaily. However, the self-healing processes confirming that the geosystem has not been brought out of the dynamic equilibrium are clearly in evidence. It is concluded that the considered natural objects do not require construction of coast protection structures.


Black Sea, coastal geosystem, bay-bar, coastal zone dynamics, remote sensing method, anthropogenic impact.


Processing of air laser scanning data and their georeferencing were funded by the RFBR (18-05-00333, 18-05-80035, 19-45-230004, 20-05-00009). The collection and analysis of literary and archival materials on lithodynamics processes and coastal dynamics were funded by the Russian Science Foundation (20-17-00060). The authors used materials on the hydrodynamic regime obtained during implementation of state order topics no. 0128-2021-0013 and 0827-2019-0004.

For citation

Krylenko, V.V., Goryachkin, Yu.N., Kosyan, R.D., Krylenko, M.V. and Kharitonova, L.V., 2021. Similarities and Differences of Small Bay-Bars of the North-Eastern Part of the Black Sea. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (1), pp. 63–83. doi:10.22449/2413-5577-2021-1-63-83 (in Russian).




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