Spatial Structure and Intra-Annual Variability of Weddell Sea Front based on the Data of NOAA OISST Reanalysis

Yu. V. Artamonov, E. A. Skripaleva*, N. V. Nikolsky

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

* e-mail:


Based on the NOAA OISST reanalysis data, the spatial structure of the Weddell Sea Front in the climatic field of the sea surface temperature was analyzed and the seasonal variability of front’s characteristics was estimated. The spatial position of the frontal zone in the Weddell Sea was analyzed using distributions of the total horizontal temperature gradient. The characteristics of the front (the position of the gradients' extrema corresponding to the front, their magnitude and temperature on the front axis) were determined for each month on the profiles of meridional and zonal temperature gradients along meridians and parallels with a discreteness of 2.5° of longitude and 0.25° of latitude. It is shown that the interaction of Weddell Sea cold waters, which are transported by currents northward along the Antarctic Peninsula coasts, with the warmer waters of the eastern shelf of the Antarctic Peninsula and the Bransfield Strait surface water causes formation of two branches of the Weddell Sea Front. These branches round from a vast shelf at the Antarctic Peninsula tip and the Joinville archipelago the south and north and are traced further east along the boundaries of the bottom rise located approximately between 62.5S and 64.5S. To the south of the South Orkney Islands shelf, the two branches merge into one front, which follows to the east along the depth dump of the relative shallow between the South Orkney and South Sandwich Islands. In the seasonal cycle of the Weddell Sea Front intensity, a time lag was revealed of the front intensification period in the direction from west to east. In Bransfield Strait the front is most intense in February, between the Antarctic Peninsula tip and the South Orkney Islands – in March, east of the South Orkney Islands – in April. The branch of the Weddell Sea Front off the northeastern of the Antarctic Peninsula coasts intensifies in November – January, in the western part of the water area east of the James Ross and Snow Hill Islands – in January – February.


Southwest Antarctica, Weddell Sea, sea surface temperature, intra-annual variability, horizontal temperature gradients, Weddell Sea Front


Еhe work is performed under State Order no. 0555-2019-0003 "Experimental studies of the variability of hydrophysical, hydrochemical and bio-optical fields at different spatio-temporal scales to identify the features of climatic changes in oceanographic conditions in the Atlantic part of Antarctica".

For citation

Artamonov, Yu.V., Skripaleva, E.A. and Nikolsky, N.V., 2020. Spatial Structure and Intra-Annual Variability of Weddell Sea Front based on the Data of NOAA OISST Reanalysis. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (4), pp. 89–102. doi:10.22449/2413-5577-2020-4-89-102 (in Russian).




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