Natural Conditions of the Dniester River in its Lower Current

Yu. D. Shuisky

Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Odessa, Ukraine



One of the largest rivers in Europe is the navigable Dniester. Today, it is extremely insufficiently used in the water transport system of Ukraine. In addition, it is the main river on the territory of Moldova and can be actively used for transport needs. The purpose of the study is an analytical characteristic of the navigation value of the Dniester. The main content of the analysis was reduced to graphic constructions: the location and planned location of courses, plotting optimal depths on the plan, drawing up morphometric profiles of river courses, etc. A navigation map of the Dniester estuary was built with a standard grid of depths, which were brought to the normal water level. The article also uses data on the natural conditions of the Dniester River based on research data obtained in the 1970s. The comparison of straight and curvilinear courses is carried out, the navigational importance of the Dniester estuary is studied. Recommendations for supporting favorable navigation conditions in the Dniester and in the estuary are determined. It is shown that within the lower course of the Dniester the greatest depths are found in straightened (7.4 m versus 5.8 m) parts. Minimum depths of 2–3 m are generally close to the banks, and maximum depths of 10–12 m are found in the middle parts of the course where they generally coincide with the midstream. Such depths facilitate movement of small and medium-sized river vessels. Recommendations for the updated navigation options for the state of the Dniester River and Dniester estuary are given. It is concluded that in case of resumption of navigation in the Dniester and Dniester estuary Ukraine will receive significant economic benefits.


Dniester River, navigation, channel depth, bottom sediments, currents, ordinary level fluctuations


The author expresses his sincere gratitude to Associate Professor O. B. Murkalov for his help in computer processing of the source material.

For citation

Shuisky, Yu.D., 2020. Natural Conditions of the Dniester River in its Lower Current. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (4), pp. 66–77. doi:10.22449/2413-5577-2020-4-66-77 (in Russian).




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