Structure and Dynamics of Anthropogenic Load on the Coastal Zone of the Sevastopol Region

L. V. Verzhevskaya*, R. Yа. Minkovskaya

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

* e-mail:


The ecological state of the Sevastopol water area is determined, in addition to natural factors, by the intake of a wide range of substances of anthropogenic origin from the river runoff and wastewater discharges. In order to estimate the contribution of these sources to pollution of the coastal zone and trends in concentration and intake of nutrients and pollutants, an array of long-term data for 1998–2018 from the Main Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of the city of Sevastopol was analyzed. As a result of generalization, a contemporary assessment was made of wastewater quality, as well as discharges of nutrients (mineral nitrogen and phosphorus compounds) and pollutants (surface active agents and oil products) into the coastal zone of Sevastopol. It is found that the reasons for the positive trends (their significance was assessed by the Fisher test) in the concentration of oil products and ammonium nitrogen are population growth and traffic load increase since 2014. Nitrates and ammonium nitrogen predominate in the structure of discharges. The obtained results can be used to calculate the components of the balance of dissolved substances, anthropogenic load on water areas, their assimilation capacity, as well as to regulate economic activity and improve environmental management for sustainable development of the region.


anthropogenic load, wastewater quality, coastal water of Sevastopol


The research is performed under state order on topic No. 0827-2018-0004 “Complex interdisciplinary research of oceanological processes, which determine functioning and evolution of the Black and Azov Sea coastal ecosystems”.

For citation

Verzhevskaya, L.V. and Minkovskaya, R.Yа., 2020. Structure and Dynamics of Anthropogenic Load on the Coastal Zone of the Sevastopol Region. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (2), pp. 92–106. doi:10.22449/2413-5577-2020-2-92-106 (in Russian).




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