Infrared Radiation of Thermal Anomalies and Radon Fluctuation Anomalies Preceding Two Earthquakes in the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea

I. S. Podymov*, T. M. Podymova, N. V. Esin

Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, Gelendzhik, Russia

* e-mail:


This paper presents a fragment of modern research for geophysical processes in the coastal zone of the Russian sector of the Black and Azov Seas (Krasnodar Territory, Kerch Peninsula). Based on the data of experimental studies of radon dynamics in the surface atmosphere before and after earthquakes in the Sea of Azov (October 15, 2018) and near Anapa (July 15, 2019), previously unknown parameters are revealed of radon fluctuations during the period of 38 days before the earthquakes. In certain cases, they can be used for short-term prediction of incipient seismic events. The purpose of this work is to search for formation patterns of indicators of beginning of crustal deformations in the region under study and to attempt to develop methods for short-term forecasts of extreme seismic events. Research methods: long-term monitoring of radon variations in the surface atmosphere, matching of radon variations and occurred earthquakes (according to the database of the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center), analysis of thermal and infrared fields in the atmosphere and ionosphere by satellite images, field research, mathematical modeling. Based on the results of conducted research as well as similar studies in other parts of the world, the key indicators-precursors of seismic events have been confirmed. The sequence of their manifestations has been fixed over a time span. It is shown that abnormal radon emissions are the earliest indicators of beginning of crustal deformations. There is a certain period between their manifestation and occurrence of an extreme seismic event. The monitoring observation scheme and sequence of actions to take during abnormally high radon emanation, which are presented in the paper, are of practical significance for regions with a complex geological structure and important infrastructure facilities.


Azov-Black seacoasts, radon volumetric activity, outgoing long-wave infrared radiation, thermal anomalies, earthquake precursors, forecasts of extreme situations


The research is performed on topic No. 0149-2019-0014 “Marine Natural Systems of the Black and Azov Seas: Evolution and Modern Dynamics of Hydrophysical, Hydrochemical, Biological, Coastal and Lithodynamic Processes”.

For citation

Podymov, I.S., Podymova, T.M. and Esin, N.V., 2020. Infrared Radiation of Thermal Anomalies and Radon Fluctuation Anomalies Preceding Two Earthquakes in the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (2), pp. 41–52. doi:10.22449/2413-5577-2020-2-41-52 (in Russian).




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