Waters Circulation in the Northern Part of the Black Sea in Summer – Winter of 2018

Yu. V. Artamonov, E. A. Skripaleva*, A. V. Fedirko, S. А. Shutov, D. V. Derjushkin, R. O. Shapovalov, Yu. I. Shapovalov, S. V. Shcherbachenko

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

* e-mail: sea-ant@yandex.ru


According to instrumental measurements of currents and hydrological surveys carried out during three expeditions on the R/V Professor Vodyanitsky in 2018, the features of the manifestation of synoptic eddies in thermohaline fields in different seasons are analyzed. It was shown that the Rim Current meandering weakened from summer to late autumn – early winter. The maximum number of eddies was observed in summer, the minimum – in the autumn-winter period. Most of the anticyclonic eddies in thermohaline fields were more clearly manifested at depths below the core of cold intermediate layer by decrease of temperature and salinity values. In the anticyclone zones, a deepening of the cold in-termediate layer core and the upper boundary of the hydrogen sulfide zone was observed. Most cyclonic eddies were manifested in thermohaline fields by temperature decreasing (increasing) above (below) the cold intermediate layer and increasing salinity in the entire layer of instrumental measurement of currents as well as by raising the cold intermediate layer core and the upper boundary of the hydrogen sulfide zone closer to the surface. The location of water regions with extreme values of thermohaline characteristics due to water circulation was, as a rule, displaced relative to the location of eddy formations, identified as a result of currents instrumental measurements, which reflects different reaction times of the dynamic and thermohaline water structure to a change in synoptic atmospheric processes.


Rim current, dynamic topography, geostrophic currents, instrumentally measured currents, eddy formations, thermohaline fields, cold intermediate layer, upper boundary of the hydrogen sulfide zone.


The work is performed under State Order No. 0827-2019-0003 “Fundamental studies of oceanological processes that determine the state and evolution of the marine environment under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors, based on methods of observation and modeling”.

For citation

Artamonov, Yu.V., Skripaleva, E.A., Fedirko, A.V., Shutov, S.А., Derjushkin, D.V., Shapovalov, R.O., Shapovalov, Yu. I. and Shcherbachenko, S.V., 2020. Waters Circulation in the Northern Part of the Black Sea in Summer – Winter of 2018. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (1), pp. 69–90. doi:10.22449/2413-5577-2020-1-69–90 (in Russian).




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