Comprehensive Studies of Geodynamic Activity in Local Territories of the Azov and Black Sea Coast of the Krasnodar Region and Versions of Extreme Situation Forecast

I. S. Podymov*, T. M. Podymova, N. V. Esin

P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, Gelendzhik, Russia

* e-mail:


The paper presents the results of studies of current earth’s crust movements and geodynamic activity of the Azov and Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar region. Existing internationally adopted methods of seismic hazard early detection based on the use of data obtained from complex satellite systems were overviewed. An alternative method for monitoring of extreme seismic situations in the Krasnodar region introduced at the Institute of Oceanology was considered. The method is based on observations of radon variations in the surface atmosphere. The analysis and statistical processing of data from satellite monitoring of geodynamic activity of the earth's surface and 4-year continuous monitoring of variations in the volume activity of radon in the ground air of the region under research were performed. The results of processing were matched to seismic events that occurred during monitoring; information about the events was received from the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre. The conclusions are as follows. Satellite measurements of geodynamic activity allow us to perform a statistical estimate of the scale of ongoing processes and tectonic stability of the observed territories. Instantaneous estimate of the resulting crustal deformations is possible only by controlling radon variations in the surface atmosphere. The release of radioactive radon to the earth's surface leads to activation of processes in the atmosphere, which are responsible for appearance of short-term precursors of earthquakes. Based on the specific events occurred during radon monitoring, an algorithm has been proposed to forecast extreme situations in the region under study.


Azov and Black sea coast, radon volumetric activity, long-term monitoring, earth's crust movements, geodynamic activity, forecasts of extreme situations.


The research is performed on topic no. 0149-2019-0014 “Marine natural systems of the Black and Azov Seas: Evolution and modern dynamics of hydrophysical, hydrochemical, biological, coastal and lithodynamic processes”.

For citation

Podymov, I.S., Podymova, T.M. and Esin, N.V., 2020. Comprehensive Studies of Geodynamic Activity in Local Territories of the Azov and Black Sea Coast of the Kras-nodar Region and Versions of Extreme Situation Forecast. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (1), pp. 47–59. doi:10.22449/2413-5577-2020-1-47-59 (in Russian).




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