Results of Coastal Zone Dynamics and Beach Sediments Granulometric Composition Monitoring in the Central Part of the Kalamitsky Gulf

K. I. Gurov

Marine Hydrophusical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia



Based on field observations, studies were performed of local features of the beach width dynamics as well as of particle size distribution of beach sediments in the Kalamitsky Gulf coastal area on and around the Sakskoe Lake bay-bar. An analysis of the obtained measurements of the shore line position allowed to identify periods of its greatest variability and evaluate its annual change. It is noted that within the bay-bar area under consideration one can distinguish several alternating areas of the coast accumulation and retreat. The areas with the greatest exposure to wind and waves and showing the highest dynamics of the studied morphometric parameters are located near coastal protection structures positioned perpendicular to the shore. The results showed that while going through the coastal protection structures, beach sediments are sorted and the proportion of coarse fraction reduces noticeably. It is established that the greatest differentiation of material in beach sediment samples is noted north of the coastal protection structures. The granulometric composition of sediments moving along the shoreline also changes; the proportion and size of gravel material decrease. Distribution analysis of gravel material near the water's edge showed that under certain wave conditions this fraction passes over the coastal protection structures of Poltava-Crimea Health Resort. The gravel material longshore drift resulted in changes in the sediment fractional ratio. Further detailed study of the beach sediment spatial distribution will allow to use the obtained data for assimilation of the latter in mathematical models of coastal zone dynamics.


coastal zone, beaches, beach sediments, particle size distribution, Crimean Peninsula, Kalamitsky Gulf.


The research is performed under state order on topic No. 0827-2019-0004 “Coastal studies” and supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research as part of scientific project No. 18-35-00230.

For citation

Gurov, K.I., 2020. Results of Coastal Zone Dynamics and Beach Sediment Granulometric Composition Monitoring in the Central Part of the Kalamitsky Gulf. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (1), pp. 36–46. doi:10.22449/2413-5577-2020-1-36-46 (in Russian).




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