Changes in the Yevpatoria Coastal Zone in the Last 100 Years

Yu. N. Goryachkin

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia



In regard to the problem of degradation of Yevpatoria beaches and task of their restoration, the changes of the city's coastal zone during the last 100 years were analyzed. The long-term monitoring observations made by the Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS (echo-sounding and geo-radar surveys, grain size analysis of beach material, GPS-tacheometer measurements, wave currents measurements etc.) were used. Ultra-high resolution aerial and space images, literary and archive sources were additionally used. Quantitative characteristics of changes of the area of beaches, configurations of the coastal line were received. Changes in material structure of beach and bottom deposits, relief of the coastal slope were defined. The paper describes factors of anthropogenic influence on the coastal zone and their effect. Conclusions are made that beach degradation in Yevpatoria is characterized by the following: shore retreat with a reduction in the total area of beaches; reduction of the vertical thickness of sand deposits on the beaches and in the nearshore zone up to their complete disappearance and opening of clay deposits or limestone bench; changes in the beach material structure. It is noted that the greatest changes occurred following construction of a pier of the sea trading port and reconstruction of Tereshkova Embankment in 1970 – 80s. Nearly all the territory of the Yevpatoria coastal zone suffers from a severe shortage of bottom deposits (sand) caused by long-term irrational anthropogenic activity.


dynamics of the coastal zone, anthropogenic influence, Yevpatoria, Crimea.


The research is performed under State Order No. 0827-2019-0004.

For citation

Goryachkin, Yu. N., 2020. Changes in the Yevpatoria Coastal Zone in the Last 100 Years. Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, (1), pp. 5–21. doi:10.22449/2413-5577-2020-1-5-21 (in Russian).




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