Ecological-Economic Models of Natural Resources Management in the Coastal Zone Area

E. M. Igumnova, I. E. Timchenko

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


The review of scientific works in the field of rational use of coastal zone area resources (CZA), carried out under the leadership of academician V. A. Ivanov is given. Results of these works arestated in development taking into account modern ideas and methods of construction of ecological-economic models of natural-economic systems "coast-sea". The emphasis is made on two main principles of the system approach to the creation of such models: adaptive balance of causes and information unity of numerical models of development processes in CZA and simulated in them observational data. The equations of the method of adaptive balance of causes, which is the practical implementation of the system principle of the same name, are presented. By this method the adaptive model of marine ecosystem and ecological-economic model of recreation object are constructed. The role of logical control agents used in the equations of adaptive models is noted. The influence of resource constraints on model scenarios of processes developing in marine ecosystems is shown. The problems of maintaining a rational balance of economic benefits from the consumption of recreational resources of CZA considered taking into account the requirements for the quality of recreational services and levels of environmental pollution caused by the violation of the balance of consumption and reproduction of recreational resources. The management model of the recreational services efficiency in the territory adjacent to the southern coast of Crimea is given.


system principles of natural resources management, method of adaptive balance of causes, adaptive models of ecological-economic systems, agents of resource limitation, economic profitability of recreational services, control of environmental pollution levels



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