Energy Correlations in the System of Suspension and Turbulence in the Sea Coast

V. Z. Dykman, O. I. Efremov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


The large suspended sandy sediment transport in a near-bottom boundary layer near coast under waves is kinetically considered. The waves of frontal direction form the heterogeneous structure of near-bottom current, and direction of total transport of sediments depends on frequency of basic wave. For short periods a sediment flow is accumulating, and at low frequency of wave it is erosive. The gravitation flow of mineral particles is separately examined when waves move along a coastline. It is directed always out coast to depth, regardless wave frequency and phase. The various models to calculate mineral and organic suspension profiles are introduced at presence and absence of the regular breaks of wind waves using measurements by the «Bottom station» complex.


near-bottom layer, energy of turbulence, break waves, profile of suspension, sea coast



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