Development of Observing System of the Black Sea Hydrophysical Polygon in 2001 – 2015

A. S. Kuznetsov, V. V. Zima

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


The experience of restoration and development of the Black Sea hydrophysical polygon infrastructure in 2001 – 2015 is summarized as part of the coastal research of the Marine Hydrophysical Institute under Academician V.A.Ivanov. A multilevel marine observational system has been formed consisting of a number of subsystems of contact monitoring of meteorological situation, hydrophysical state of coastal water and coastal water dynamics. A system has been created to gather and efficiently transmit information, and a sub-regional database has been formed, which are available for use and are of interest to the future development of the polygon. The some peculiarities of coastal water circulation are presented. The structure and variability of the quasistationary coastal current near the south coast of Crimea, as well as the nature and peculiarities of the bimodal distribution of the current direction at Cape Kikineiz are studied.


the Black Sea hydrophysical polygon, marine observing system, coastal current, multi-scale water dynamics



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