Experience of ADCP Usage for Research a Coastal Water Dynamics near the South Coast of Crimea

V. A. Ivanov, A. N .Morozov, A. S. Kuznetsov, E. V. Mankovskaya, S. A. Shutov, V. V. Zima , D. V. Deryushkin , L. V. Verzhevskaya

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


Experience of ADCP Usage for Research a Coastal Water Dynamics near the South Coast of Crimea Practical experience of ADCP WHM1200 acoustic Doppler current profiler usage acquired during cruises near the southern coast of Crimea, Katsiveli is presented. The measurements with ADCP carried out from a drifting vessel, from moving vessel and from an oceanographic platform are considered. The main advantages and significant results obtained with each case of the device usage are noted.

The main advantage of measurements from a drifting vessel at hydrological stations is to obtain synchronous profiles of hydrological parameters and vector of current velocity. Also, with a favorable drift direction, such a method of measurement allows to obtain cross sections of the current velocity field with high spatial resolution. Measurements in the vessel course make it possible to obtain a currents distribution along the vessel track and can provide observation and analysis of various small-scale phenomena in a coastal water dynamics. The main advantage of ADCP usage for current monitoring from an oceanographic platform is the combination of observational data with various data such as satellite images, coastal weather station data (wind, level) and continuous monitoring of currents at fixed layers, data from distributed temperature sensors and CTD probes.

In addition, ADCP measures the profiles of echo signal intensity, which can be useful for localizing of the areas with increased suspended matter concentration and determining their characteristic sizes to conduct subsequent study using other contact methods.


current velocity, ADCP measurement modes, echo signal intensity, along coast component, normal coast component, Richardson number, velocity shift, internal waves



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