Trapped Waves and the Rim Current Meandering

A. A. Pavlushin, N.B. Shapiro, E.N. Mikhailova

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


The large-scale circulation of the Black Sea is numerically simulated using a two-layer eddy-resolving model excited by the wind with constant cyclonic vorticity. It is shown that in a statistically equilibrium waves are formed in the lower sea layer and propagated over the continental slope cyclonically. Using spectral analysis, the wave parameters are determined. The waves forming above continental slope in the lower layer are compared with the meanders of the jet stream in the upper layer of the Rim current. It is revealed that their location mostly coincides, while the trapped waves are ahead of the meanders in phase. On base of the results obtained a hypothesis that the waves trapped by the continental slope in the deep sea layer have a significant influence on the Rim current meandering, is proposed.


deep circulation, continental slope, trapped waves, the Rim current meanders, the Black Sea



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