Content of Organic Compounds and Trace Metals in Bottom Sediments of the Balaklava Bay (the Black Sea)

Е.A. Tikhonova1, E.A. Kotelyanets2, К.I. Gurov2

1 A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

2 Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


The dynamics of pollution by organic compounds and trace metals (TM) of bottom sediments of the port water area was estimated using the Balaklava Bay as an example. The particle size distribution in bottom sediments was analysed. The investigated groups of substances are distributed along the bay unevenly: the increased content of both chloroform-extractable substances (CES) and petroleum hydrocarbons (PH) is noted at the apex and the central part of water area near west coast, lowered ones - at the outlet. High concentrations of TM, as well as the concentrations of CES and PH are mainly observed in the apex part (according to data of 2018) and in the central part of western coast (data of 2005 and 2018). It is shown, that maximum concentration of Zn in bottom sediments in 2018 is two and a half times higher than in 2005. It is noted, that the obtained values significantly exceed the average content of this element in bottom sediments of the Black Sea coastal regions.


pollution, bottom sediments, particle size distribution, chloroform-extractable substances, petroleum hydrocarbons, trace metals, the Balaklava Bay, the Black Sea



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