Monitoring System of Hydrocarbon Deposites Exploitation Areas in the Black Sea

N.M. Ivanyutin1, A.A. Pasynkov2

1 Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea, Simferopol, Russia

2 V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Russia


The main goal of study was to establish the ecological state of geological environment in the areas of hydrocarbon exploration and production, as well as to develop a monitoring system for these areas. During comprehensive expeditions, pollution by various pollutants was revealed in these areas. The following was recorded in bottom sediments: petroleum products (detected at 19 stations, including 3 background ones, with a maximum concentration exceeding the standards by 17 times), cadmium (detected at 7 stations, a concentration is equal 7,95, including 1 background station with 3,9 MPC). In the water environment, as well as in bottom sediments, the main pollutant was petroleum products, which were detected at 14 stations, including 4 background ones. Petroleum product concentration reached 10 MPC on the surface and 6 MPC in the bottom layer. Observation points of the monitoring network proposed by the authors demonstrate the map. The list of measures that must be taken to maintain the ecological state of region is given.


hydrocarbon raw materials, monitoring, pollutants, ecolosical state, shelf, the Black Sea



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