Seasonal Variability of Vertical Thermohaline Stratification on the Black Sea Shelf of Crimea

V.N. Belokopytov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


Climatic characteristics of vertical stratification on the Crimean shelf are calculated from the Black Sea thermohaline reanalysis for 70 year. Seasonal variations of density ratio and components of vertical stability are described, periods of predominance of thermal and haline factors for density field formation are determined. Three areas with regional peculiarities of stratification: the Western Crimea, the Southern Coast of Crimea and the Kerch peninsula are selected. These sub-regions differ by geographical location relative to main sources of freshwater and seasonal variability of general circulation. Obtained characteristics can be used for estimations of vertical turbulent mixing, internal wave and eddy dynamics in shelf regions.


stratification, vertical stability, density ratio, shelf, the Black Sea



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