Seasonal and Synoptic Changes of Water Structure to the Southwest of the Crimean Peninsule in the Autumn and Winter 2017 (98th and 101st Cruises of R/V Professor Vodyanitsky)

Yu.V. Artamonov, A.V. Fedirko, E.A.Skripaleva, S.A. Shutov, A.V. Garmashov, D.V. Derjushkin, D.D. Zavyalov, R.V. Kolmak, R.O. Shapovalov, Yu.I. Shapovalov, S.V. Shcherbachenko

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


The hydrological measurements in the northern Black Sea were carried out during the 98th and 101st cruises of R/V Professor Vodyanitsky in November and December 2017. It is shown that the actual distributions of hydrological parameters according to in situ data reflect the main seasonal cycle peculiarities in climatic thermohaline fields for autumn - winter. Seasonal changes were manifested in a surface temperature decrease, in increased depths of the lower boundary of the upper quasihomogeneous layer and in maximum of vertical temperature gradients, and in increased temperature in the cold intermediate layer core. In the spatial structure of thermahaline fields, intense synoptic changes due to water dynamics were revealed.


thermohaline fields, upper quasihomogeneous layer, vertical temperature gradient, cold intermediate layer, seasonal cycle, synoptic variability, Rim current, Sevastopol anticyclone



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