Typification and Zoning of the Kerch Strait Waters According to Specific Stratification of Total Suspended Matter Concentration

P. D. Lomakin, A. I. Chepyzhenko, A. A. Chepyzhenko

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


On the basis of oceanographic data of set of cruises carried out in 2001 – 2014, the vertical structure of the total suspended matter concentration field was typified and a scheme of zoning of the Kerch Strait water area by a given set of qualitative and quantitative indications was proposed. Three types of the vertical structure of the field of the investigated value are distinguished, which differ in the profile shape TSM(z) and its own concentration of suspension. These are the Azov and Black seas types peculiar to the natural waters of the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea and the type of structure identified as transformed and influenced by local sources of pollution (TPW), known and mapped by the scientists of the Southern Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography. It is shown that the Azov and Black Sea stratification types are separated by salinity front. Contaminated areas of the strait on horizontal distributions are identified as local maxima of TSM content with clear borders. For each of the calculated statistical indicators of the concentration of TSM. The most significant spots (lenses) of the TPW, manifested in the field of total suspended matter as well as their sources are revealed in the Kerch Strait waters.


total suspended matter, zoning, stratification types, haline front, the Kerch Strait



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