Assessment of Income and Elimination of Heavy Metals in the Taganrog Bay of the Sea Of Azov

M.V. Bufetova

Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting, Moscow, Russia


The flux of heavy metal flows (Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn) in the Taganrog Bay was assessed. The inflow of metals with atmospheric precipitation, the Don River water, by water exchange through the Dolzhansky Strait, as well as from water to bottom sediments was estimated. Estimates showed that in 2017 the maximum permissible concentration of copper (5 times) and lead (2 times) was exceeded in the bay water. In bottom sediments, the permissible concentration was exceeded only by cadmium. The main source of zinc and copper in the Bay is the Don River water and precipitation. According to calculations a sedimentation flows of lead and zinc into the bottom sediments were significant. In addition, the flow of zinc from water to bottom sediments is comparable to the annual flow of this metal to the Don River flow. For cadmium and copper sedimentation flux intensity is lower, nevertheless they contribute to the self-purification of the water column of the Bay. As a result of estimates it is received that the Taganrog Bay is a source of copper and zinc pollution of the Sea of Azov. On the contrary, the sea water is a source of lead and cadmium pollution of the Bay.


lead, cadmium, copper, zinc, pollution, flows, the Taganrog Bay, the Sea of Azov



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