Calculation of Precipitation over the Sivash Bay

V. P. Evstigneev1,2, E. S. Eremina3

1 Sevastopol Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, Sevastopol, Russia

2 Sevastopol State university, Sevastopol, Russia

3 Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


The precipitation sums over the Sivash Bay area were estimated using corrected data from four coastal meteorological stations. Monthly, seasonal and annual precipitation values were calculated from 1966 to 2010. Significant deviations of the actual precipitation amount from the measured one has been shown for winter months and March, in some cases deviation can reach 50 – 60 mm. Frequency of gradations of daily sums were calculated at 1966 – 2010. Analysis revealed that precipitation has a pronounced seasonal variations and maximum in the warm half year from May to August with an average volume of 0,14 – 0,18 km3/month. The minimum precipitation falls on cold period of the year with minimal values in April (0,1 km3/month) and October (0,09 km3/month). Annual and seasonal precipitation linear trends were estimated for all seasons except winter. As a result, a positive precipitation trend was found, varying between 0,0016 and 0,01 km3/10 years. The obtained precipitation sums can be used for water-balance calculations of the Sivash Bay.


precipitation, water balance, the Sivash Bay, the Sea of Azov



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