Particularies of the Black Sea Deep-Water Circulation in Summer 2013

O. A. Dymova, N. A. Miklashevskaya, N. V. Markova

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


The results of a prognostic numerical experiment on simulation of the Black Sea circulation are given for summer 2013. The Marine Hydrophysical Institute hydrodynamical model and ERA-Interim atmospheric forcing are used for the modeling. The observed and simulated temperature and salinity is compared. The deep Black Sea circulation structure notices attention. Features of the velocity fields at the depths below the main pycnocline are studied in detail. It is confirmed that the field of deep currents contains eddy formations and flows that qualitatively and quantitatively differ from the surface ones. There are a number of deep-water eddies irregularly detected at the sea surface. But their structure is clearly visualized near the low boundary of the main pycnocline (at depths of 150 – 300 m) and conserved down to the bottom without velocity weakening. As well, in summer 2013, quasiperiodic narrow deep currents propagating anticyclonically (undercurrents) are generated in some regions along the Black Sea continental slope.


simulation, deep circulation, currents, undercurrents, eddies, temperature, salinity, measurements, the Black Sea



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