Water Structure in the Area of the Rim Black Sea Current in Spring And Summer 2017 (94th, 95th Cruises of the R/V “Professor Vodyanitsky”)

Yu. V. Artamonov, A. V. Fedirko, E. A. Skripaleva, S. A. Shutov, D. V. Deryushkin, R. V. Kolmak, D. D. Zavyalov, R. O. Shapovalov, Yu. I. Shapovalov, S. V. Shcherbachenko

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


The water structure of in the Rim Black Sea current in April – May and in June – July 2017 is studied using data of the 94th and 95th cruises of the R/V "Professor Vodyanitsky". It is shown that, according to the data of two surveys, the main regularities of the seasonal cycle, identified in climatic fields, are reflected in the hydrological parameters distributions. Seasonal changes are revealed a decrease of the rate of the Rim Black Sea Current, an increase of the surface temperature, a decrease of the surface salinity, a decrease in the depth of the lower boundary of the upper quasihomogeneous layer and the maximum vertical temperature gradient. Synoptic variability is revealed in the change from survey to survey to the location and number of anticyclonic and cyclonic eddies and, as a result, the depth of the main isosurfaces of the upper sea layer.


thermohaline fields, the Rim Black Sea Current, upper quasi-homogeneous layer, vertical temperature gradient, cold intermediate layer, Sevastopol anticyclone, Crimean anticyclone, seasonal cycle, synoptic variability



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