Influence of the River Chernaya Water on Hydrochemical Regime of the Sevastopol Bay (the Black Sea)

N. A. Orekhova, E. V. Medvedev, E. I. Ovsyany

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


Based on the expedition data for the Sevastopol Bay and the Chernaya River, obtained in 2007 – 2017 the elements of the main biogenic cycle was analyzed, the components of the carbonate system and salinity in the high and low periods was studied. The length of the geochemical barrier zone “River Chernaya – Sevastopol Bay” is defined. The contribution of the components of the carbonate system and nutrients to the budget of the Sevastopol Bay, introduced with river runoff, is estimated. It is established that the observed changes in the hydrochemical regime of the Sevastopol Bay are determined by the influence of the River Chernaya water and anthropogenic impact in low water period, whereas anthropogenic pressure, only, in flood period.


geochemical barrier zone, carbonate system, the Chernaya River, the Sevastopol Bay



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