Identification of Possible Contamination in the Black Sea on the Basis of Adjoint Equations, for Example, 2016

S. G. Demyshev, O. A. Dymova, V. S. Kochergin, S. V. Kochergin

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


To obtain model estimates of the concentration field, a model of passive admixture transport in the Black Sea with a high degree of discretization is used. Input parameters of the model transfer of passive admixture are results of model calculations of MHI considering the real atmospheric forcing for the year 2016 according to the SKIRON, and reanalysis with a horizontal resolution of less than 2 km. To identify the location of the source of contamination, we used the method of adjoint equations. As an example, the transport of suspended matter from the Kerch Strait to the Black Sea is considered. The model estimates are compared with the satellite information on the concentration of the suspended substance. It is shown that a possible source of pollution was located in the region of the Kerch Strait and the Black Sea coast of the Kerch Peninsula, where the initial distribution of concentration was determined by integrating the passive impurity transport model.


source identification, field of concentration, admixture, adjoint model, influence function, the Black Sea



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