Extreme Levels of the Sea of Azov According to Coastal Measurements

E. E. Lemeshko1, A. A. Polozok2,1

1 Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

2 Sevastopol Branch of the N.N. Zubov State Oceanographic Institute, Sevastopol, Russia


Analysis of the surges on the hydrometeorological stations in the Sea of Azov is fulfilled to assess the general regularity of storm surges occurrence, including full information on timing, frequency, and conditions for the storm. An approach is proposed for estimating the statistical characteristics of extreme sea levels and their duration in correlation with local wind currents and types of synoptic situations over the Sea of Azov, obtained by the method of constructing self-organizing maps of surface atmospheric pressure and wind current. The research can be useful for the development of empirical models of the surge prediction and the validation of the numerical simulation of storm surges. It will improve the accuracy of model and forecast estimates for especially dangerous phenomena.


storm surges, negative setup, sea level, extreme level values, the Sea of Azov, types of synoptic situations



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