System of the Ecological Monitoring in the Sivash Bay in the Modern Conditions

Е. Е. Sovga1, Е. S. Eremina1, N. N. D’yakov2

1 Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia

2 Sevastopol Branch of the N.N. Zubov State Oceanographic Institute, Sevastopol, Russia


Analyzing the state of the Sivash Bay water area after the North-Crimean Canal overlapping, the discontinuation of irrigated farming in the northern Crimea and the absence of dumping from the irrigation fields (rice checks) of a large volume of fresh water into the bay, the main trends in hydrological change and chemical regime in modern conditions, which are gradually approaching the natural ones.

Practical recommendations on the organization of the ecological monitoring system of the Sivash Bay are proposed taking into account the goals and objectives of the unified system of state environmental monitoring of the Russian Federation. A new scientifically proved scheme for the location of observation points in the water area, including the wetlands of international importance "East Sivash", is presented.


system of ecological monitoring, hydrological regime, the Sivash Bay, wetlands "East Sivash"



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