Zoning of Marine River Mouths as a Basis for their Typification and Improvement of Scientific Terminology

R. Ya. Minkovskaya

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russia


Based on a critical analysis of previous works on oceanography, hydrology and geomorphology, the nowadays principles for the regionalization of marine estuaries of rivers are considered. It is shown that typing of mouths and existing scientific terminology depend on the method of zoning. The structural-hydrologic typing of marine mouths of rivers is unified, which unites the diversity of these geographical objects and their separate components (estuaries of rivers, deltas) into two types according to complexity: two- and three-component marine mouths of rivers. Based on the proposed zoning and typing, the terminology "sea mouths of rivers" was clarified.


river mouth, zoning, typification, terminology, marine mouth



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